Monday, January 4, 2016


The HFCL (Henry Ford Centennial Library), located at 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn, Michigan presents "Max" as the feature film on Monday, Jan. 4.  Movie time is 7pm, in the auditorium.  And its free!

 Max, a precision-trained military dog, serves on the frontlines in Afghanistan alongside his handler, U.S. Marine Kyle Wincott. But when things go terribly wrong on maneuvers, Kyle is mortally wounded and Max, traumatized by the loss of his best friend, is unable to remain in service. The only human he seems willing to connect with is Kyle’s teenage brother, Justin. Justin’s growing trust in Max helps the four-legged veteran revert back to his heroic self, and as the pair race against time to unravel the mystery behind Kyle’s death, they find more excitement and danger than they bargained for. A great family film. (111 min. Rated PG for action violence, peril, brief language and some thematic elements.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 = free, this is definitely a deal for me! 

Perhaps I won't like the movie, but what the heck, it's free.

Friday, January 1, 2016

I recently found out about a deal that Kroger has called:   

(This information per their page)

What is the Free Friday Download?

Every Friday, you can download a digital coupon for a FREE item! Available exclusively to customers.

How does it work?

  1. Visit this page on Fridays.
  2. Download the digital coupon for the product between 12am-11:59pm PT. You can view your coupon under the "My Coupons" section of your digital account or the Mobile App.
  3. Redeem your coupon in-store within 2 weeks. Your coupon will automatically be applied at checkout when you use your Shopper's Card.
  4. Remember to check back the next Friday for a new offer!
  5. Plus, save even more with digital coupons. View all coupons.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 = free, this is definitely a deal for me! 

***This Friday's special is for one free loaf of Nature's Harvest Sandwich Bread (20-24 oz. any variety.  (The item will be available between the hours of 12am - 11:59pm. Offer expires on Sun. 1/17/2016.)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Bring on the Terminator!

I'm sure I sound like a big, old kid, but I really enjoyed The Terminator Movies!  The latest in the series, "Terminator Genisys" started Wed. July 1st, and I couldn't wait to see it!
It's been at least 25 yrs. since my last Terminator movie.  My son was 2-3 yrs. old at the time, and I remember getting a babysitter and going to see "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" with a friend. Arnold is a man of his word.  He always promises to return, and he does.
This time around however, a lot was lost in the translation. at least in my estimation. The plot is a lot more convoluted, and the back and forth between present day and the future doesn't work for me, - at all.
The good news, my movie pass was only $5.  My gluttony on the other hand, cost me $10+.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Boom, Boom, Boom!

Hope everyone had a safe, and enjoyable 4th of July!  I don't know about the rest of you, but the people in my neck of the woods, celebrated with the fireworks like it was 1999.  They lit, popped, and set off fireworks for hours on end, from the time it became dark outside to the wee hours of the morning.  Had I been so inclined, I could have turned out the light in my bedroom, pulled open the blinds/drapes, propped myself up on my pillows and enjoyed the show(s)!
But all the boom, boom, boom did for me, was set me on edge.  Don't know who was more afraid, me or the dog!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Free Just Might Not Be For Me!

I love a bargain, and I'm all about enjoying retirement.  Cheaply some would say. but who the heck cares?  When I first retired, I signed up on all the free sites I found. I signed up on Coupon this, that or the other.  Joined saving...whatever. Subscribed to the Free 4 Seniors Newsletter.  You know what I mean...
In all honesty. I doubt most of these so-called saving, discount, or "get something for little or nothing" websites are about saving you, as they are about getting your information so as to email you a bunch of spam, which in itself, is pretty much ado about nothing! Lately, I've been back tracking, and unsubscribing to everything. Valuable lesson learned! My inbox runneth over!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Read...It Doesn't Get Any Cheaper Than That!

Everyone asks me about retirement.  Am I enjoying it?  What do I do everyday?, etc. etc.  My standard reply is, "I'm doing a whole lot of everything, and a little bit of nothing!"  And who knew that doing nothing could be so-o-o.... enjoyable and relaxing?
I recently finished reading Hidden Riches (excellent read, by the way) by Felicia Mason for my book club.  I will soon begin reading Ugly Ways by Tina McElroy Ansa (July's selection), and my book crush, is Suburban Bitch, by Billi Wong Tiller. And there, my book yearnings, shall  remain - unfulfilled, and unrequited (LOl!), since the price line for this 278 page paperback is $105-$116!! So far, it's only been found on Amazon, and at Abe Books, and their copies are used, NOT new.  It must be a b***h of a book!